Shabbat Intentions for the Third Week of Elul

During this third week of Elul may the calls of teshuvah find us, and with honesty and grace may we examine our hearts and souls.

May we make amends for the ways in which we failed to act with love and compassion.

May we be willing to confront the hatred and anger that is buried in our own hearts.

May we acknowledge the times we choose to turn away and not offer help to each other.

And may we celebrate as well.

May we celebrate the relationships we have nurtured, the life-affirming choices we have made, the moments we have cared well for ourselves, each other and the earth.

The Infinite is calling us home to alignment, to balance, to the living of our truths and values.

Let us respond by choosing acts of forgiveness, compassion and generosity.

Let us respond by seeking peace, pursuing justice and acting with an abundance of love.

Shabbat Shalom.

Blessings of peace and well-being to all.

Rabbi Yael Levy