New Year's 2020: Let Us Not Be Deterred

Through the lights of Chanukah we come to the dawn of 2020.

As we enter this new year and new decade, let us remember the Chanukah miracle in this way:

The Temple lay in ruin. All that was sacred, loved and valued had been desecrated. Amid this rubble a tiny drop of oil was found. The miracle was that when all seemed lost people found the strength and willingness to kindle the flames anyway. In the face of destruction they would not be deterred. Not knowing what would happen, they lit the light and it burned brighter and longer than anyone would have ever thought possible.
Let us be these people. In the midst of destruction, let us not be deterred. In the face of all that is, let us keep kindling flames, raising up love, generosity, goodness and care. May these lights burn long and bright.

Blessings to all for 2020,

Rabbi Yael Levy

3 Tevet 5780

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