At the Mountain

Dear Friends,

This week, as we stand with our ancestors at the foot of Mt. Sinai, I wonder how this ancient text might guide us in meeting the challenges of our times.

Many of the teachings in this Torah portion remind us that we are here with all peoples, with earth and all creation and that we make a commitment to live into the call of these utterances for the healing and well-being of all.

As the ground shook and fire, lightening and thunder filled the sky, a shofar wailed and Elohim spoke these words, saying:

1. I am, I was, I will be. I am the Continual Unfolding of all.
I am the Life Force, the Power of Liberation that opens the expanse.
2. Do not give yourself to false gods. Do not seek create me with your own hands. Be aware of what you worship through your actions and choices.
3. Do not swear falsely. Do not mislead with lies.
4. Stop. Pause. Be. Honor creation. Rest and allow others to rest.
5. Honor your parents. Honor your ancestors. Honor those upon whose shoulders you stand.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not betray.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not use the power of words to hurt or destroy.
10. Feel the fullness of your life. Do not be led astray by comparing yourself to others. Do not get lost in desiring what others have. Be content, be fulfilled with what your life brings. (Exodus 20:1-14)

After the experience of these utterances, the people were reminded once again to be aware of what they worship. They were specifically reminded not to make gods out of sliver and gold. Make an altar of the earth, they were told, know that this is the source of your well-being. And everywhere and every moment you remember the Divine is present, you will open the flow of blessing. (Exodus 20-21)
May we receive these calls with strength and grace and may they guide us for healing and love.

Blessings to all,

Rabbi Yael

Follow along with the Torah journey with Rabbi Yael’s book: Directing the Heart,Weekly Mindfulness Teaching and Practices from the Torah.

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