
Cold stretches across bare trees.

The earth is frozen. But the river continues to move,

Carrying light and shadow over rocks.

In our sacred book we go from the beginnings of creation

To the exodus,

A new becoming.

Here the Mystery calls from earth, from fire

And says,

I am that I am, I will be that I will be,

I am everywhere, always. Wherever you are, there I am.

This is my name, my essence, forever.

Now take off your shoes,

The ground you are standing on is holy.

It can be hard to hear and difficult to imagine

Something with us in the pain,

In the raw, vulnerable,

Brokenness of life.

But the voice is persistent, it whispers, it shouts,

I am. I was, I will be.

I am the unfathomable mystery

And I am with you.

And I need you.

I need to come through you into the world.

Together we face pain and suffering.

Together we mend and heal.

The ground we stand upon is holy.

The Divine Mystery is everywhere.



May our hearts be strong and filled with courage
Let us cultivate hope in each other and the Infinite Unfolding of Life.
(Psalm 27:14)

Hineni, Here I am.

Much love to all,
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings and Meditations
We sit together with the practice of hineni, calling ourselves present to each moment.. Listen on theA Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Listen to Rabbi Yael’s expanded teaching and meditation on the Shemot Torah portion on theA Way In website or on Soundcloud.

Weekly FocusAway In