And It Was Good

Dear Friends,

We continue to begin, arriving at the opening of the Torah and the creation of all life.

As beresheet opens we watch Elohim speak and create the world.
Each time Elohim creates something, Elohim declares it ki tov—it is good.
Light was created and ki tov, it is good.
Seas and earth are created and ki tov, it is good.
Trees, vegetation, sun, moon, birds, fish and creatures of the earth are created and, ki tov, all good.
Such goodness fills creation.

Then it was our turn.
God made human beings and there was no ki tov—no it is good—followed that creation.

Sky, water, forests, fields, birds, fish, creatures large and small—all in harmony—all good.

And we earthlings—we human beings—this aspect of creation that we are
We have to choose to be good.
We have to make a decision and put forth effort to be the good, again and again and again.

To make a pledge to goodness, kindness, generosity, love and care is a radical act in these times when so much that happens every day can so easily turn us toward rage, desperation and despair.

It is courageous to choose goodness.
It takes so much strength, endurance and passion
To return to kindness, patience, love and care
Each day.

And this is what we were created to do, to choose goodness for the sake of each other and all creation.

In this moment of another beginning, may we stand together and support each other in choosing kindness, compassion, love and care. And as we do, may we feel all creation rooting for us and offering their support and love.

Much love and blessing,
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings

We sit together in the expanse and embrace of creation. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud.
Listen to this week's Torah Study on Soundcloud.

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