Lech Lecha - Go

This weeks Torah portion, lech lecha, opens with a call to each of us, to all of us:
Be willing to leave what you know.
Be willing to leave who you have been.
Lay down the habits, stories and expectations that have defined and constricted your being.

Take with you the support that inspires strength and love.

The way forward is unclear,
But as you take your steps the path will appear.

And the goal of this journey?
The reason to leap,
To struggle, to let go, to risk?
The reason to rise and fall
And rise again and again?

Is to be a blessing.

To discover anew the good that we are.
To discover anew
The shape of our offerings
And the ways the Divine can come though us into the world.

This moment calls:
Go deep,
Reach high,
Because the ways we live matters,
Not just to us
But to all those who will call us ancestor.

The path awaits our willingness.
The world awaits our blessings.
May we go with strength and love.

Blessings to all,
Rabbi Yael

This Week's Audio Teachings

We sit together present to all that is calling. Listen to the recording of today's Meditation Sit with Rabbi Yael Levy on Soundcloud or on the A Way In website. We apologize, there is no recording of this week's Torah Study with Ellen Surloff. Check out archives of past Torah Study on the A Way In website or on Soundcloud, and please join us next Monday for a live session with Rabbi Yael. Connection info below.

Weekly FocusAway In