As You Go Out Into Elul

As our Elul journey continues
The Torah calls,
         As you go out into this season
Notice the challenges of being human
Notice the human inclination
         To pursue conflict,
         To denigrate,
         To blame.

Notice that we humans cause great harm to each other
And the world
As we struggle to grow and be.

As we go out into the field of Elul,
Let us ask:
         What hurts have I caused?
         What pain has resulted from my words,
                  actions, silences?
         With whom do I need to make amends?
         Where and how can I seek repair?

Elul teaches us to ask these questions
With compassion
Understanding that we humans are complex creatures
Who so often act from confusion, fear and pain.

During Elul, Hamelech b’sadei, the Divine Presence is in the field
Calling to us with chesed, with steadfast, abundant love.

As we heed the call to go out
And face the horror and beauty that we humans bring
Let us do so with care
And let us ask for help.

Please, guide us and teach us with gentleness and love.
Help us to be with what is
With honest presence
And help us turn toward paths of healing
With courageous strength and love.

Psalm 27 guides us through Elul. Saying the whole psalm or a particular verse each day provides wonderful companionship and helps shape and illuminate the sacred work of this season. Download Rabbi Yael’s translation and the Hebrew text

We sit together in the Elul light: Listen to the recording of this week's Morning Meditation Sit.
Parshat Ki Teitzei: Listen to this week's Torah Study.

Rabbi Yael's teachings and A Way In Jewish Mindfulness resources are free and open to all. Please donate.

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