Letting Sadness Be Our Guide

Dear Friends,
         As we begin the Hebrew month of Av and face the rituals of mourning this time calls forth, I can feel myself struggling with the grief I feel as I gaze at our country, at the world and at our burning earth. The grief is so huge, I am afraid that if I truly allowed it I wouldn’t survive. Turning away, as compelling as it is, doesn’t seem to work either. Rather than dispel the grief, it turns it into anger, frustration and impatience I take out on myself and those around me.

         This season implores us to allow sadness, not to search for grief, or glorify pain and loss, but to find ways to be with the grief and sadness that is true for us and let the experiences of these emotions be our guide.
         When I allow myself to look at our world and feel heart-breaking sadness at all that is being trampled, destroyed and lost, and not let myself turn away, something inside me shifts.
         I have had moments when feelings of sadness soften my heart. The sadness eases, somewhat, the constriction formed by rage and hatred, making room for kindness and care.
         It is helpful when I realize that the sadness I feel arises from what I love. This awareness also softens my heart and at times can help me reach gratitude.
         Sadness slows me down, helping me be more present and patient.
         Broken open in sadness, I often find myself filled with crazy joy at opportunities to offer and receive kindness, assistance, help.
         One of the greatest gifts of allowing sadness is that these feelings are eased by relationship. Comfort comes from connection and opportunities to be of service.
         During this season of allowing sadness, it is so important to also seek and find moments of refuge: To engage in what brings joy, to see ourselves in beauty, to look for and offer comfort.

As we enter the month of Av, may we allow ourselves to be with the grief that arises from all we love.
         May we share our sadness and offer each other support.  And may our experiences of this season be for the healing of all beings and all earth.
         Chodesh Tov, Blessings to All,
         Rabbi Yael

Rosh Chodesh Av
Listen to the recording of this week's pre-recorded Morning Meditation Sit. Rabbi Yael is traveling and there will be no live meditations through July 27th; we will return to live sits on August 3rd. There is no recording available for this week's Torah Study, we apologize for the inconvenience.

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