Chesed, Loving Generosity

The earth is blooming,

Greens, yellows, purples, pinks,

Gracefully rising

With so much generosity and love,

In the midst of all that is.


And this is our call as well

Beings of creation that we are:


            To break through the hard packed ground,

            To rise,

            To open,

            To blossom.


To join in the earth’s chorus of Halleluyah

And give of ourselves in generosity and love.


The soul on the brink of opening cries:

            The world is filled with so much brokenness,

            So much sorrow, suffering and pain.

            How can I possibly break through and shine?


All the more reason, the Infinite responds,

Look towards the trees, flowers,

The expanding buds,

We are all lifted by each other’s beauty, kindness, generosity and care.


May the steadfast love of Chesed fill us all,

May it inspire our vision and devotion,

And may the exquisite generosity of earth remind us

That loving transformation is possible.

Recordings of This Week's Teachings
We have a special gathering to symbolically burn chamatz and clear the passages for leaving mitzrayim, the narrow places in body, mind, and heart. Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Study.  There was no live Morning Meditation Sit this week, but you can listen to an archived Sit from the week of Chesed, 5782.

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