The Mystery Within

After the thunder,
The lightning,
The mountain aflame,
The Infinite Presence calls to each of us,
To all of us:

Make for me a holy place that I may dwell within you
Make for me a holy place that I may dwell among you.
Exodus 25:8

Create a place for me by
         Honoring your gifts,
         Recognizing your offerings,
         And sharing the bounties of your heart
         With generosity and love.
         Notice each other’s gifts
         And receive each other’s offerings
         With appreciation and care.

Create a place for me by
         By remembering that
         No matter what is happening,
         No matter where you are,
         You are needed
         You are necessary.
         Your gifts are essential.
Take notice, take care,
Pay attention,
You are a holy vessel
In which the Divine
Finds a home
And shines.

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