Summer Solstice - Bitachon

Trust in the Unfolding Mystery and act for good.
Dwell in the land and be nourished by faith.   
-Psalm 37:3

As the Earth turns us toward a new season and we welcome summer solstice, may we continue to be nourished and guided by practices of this time, which include:

Cultivating a strong and deep foundation of bitachon, trust, so we can see clearly and act wisely for the good of all.
As the tradition calls, cultivate Bi Ta CHon by bringing awareness to:

Brachot - Blessings: May we see the blessings that fill our days and take notice as basic rights and blessings are being denied to others.

Tovah - Goodness: May we seek the good in ourselves and others, and act in ways that cause goodness to flourish.

Chayim - Life: May we let our gaze linger on the beauty of the Earth, and seeing the diversity and abundance of all life, may we treat all beings and all creation with reverence and care.
Solstice Blessings to all,

Rabbi Yael Levy