A Minyan of Trees

The Hebrew month of Shevat, which begins today, calls us to honor our relationship with trees and all earth. Many years ago when I was saying kaddish for my beloved uncle I began making a minyan with trees. Each morning I would go to the woods to pray, stand on the shore of the creek and count ten trees. I found so much comfort in their presence and gracious reminder that I wasn’t alone. I continue this practice of davening with the trees, so grateful for these prayerful companions.

This is a poem I wrote as I was beginning the practice.

A Minyan of Trees

The woods are white.
Hills and paths frozen with snow.

Rising from the hard ground,
Trees stand strong and certain.
Dark brown bark meets the eye.
Branches reach
Making intricate patterns in the white sky.

In these bare winter woods
So much is revealed.

I count ten trees.
And place myself among them.
They are my minyan.

I rely on their strength, faith, and beauty.

Despair, fear, anger
Rise within me.
Bitterness threatens my prayers.

I reach for a tree
And breathe in its strength, presence and trust.
I lean my body against its trunk and close my eyes.

For a moment I feel the One.
I feel the One within this raw, vulnerable life.

I feel the One made manifest in trees, earth and sky.
I feel the One here, present.
And for a moment the bitterness becomes sweet.

Before leaving the woods I make sure to bow to the trees
Giving thanks
And praying that their ancient wisdom grows within me.

Blessings for rosh hodesh Shevat. May this new month bring healing and love and the sweet and awesome blessings the trees bestow.

Rabbi Yael

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