The Days Between

Dear Friends,

During these days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, let us hear the call to Return that flows from the depths of the mystery.
            Return to relationship.
            Return to awareness.
            Return to what is most essential and true.
            Return to love and compassion,
                        Even in the face of anger, turmoil and heartache.

This sacred season reminds us that the sadness, anger and pain we feel at all that is happening in our countries and the planet arises from what we so deeply value. We experience so much pain and sadness because of all that we love.

Turn toward the love that is underneath the pain and rage, the season calls.

This turning won’t negate the tragedies, it won’t make the sadness disappear, rather it will provide a steadfast foundation upon which to stand, act and be.

Love the Unfolding of Life with all your heart and soul, the Mystery calls. And walk in the ways of love.
(Deut 30:16)

Even as you weep, let love be the guide.

May 5784 bring us clarity and strength.
May it bring us courage and joys.
May we strengthen and support each other
And together, may we walk in the ways of love
For the healing and well-being of all.

Shana Tova,
Rabbi Yael

The Days Between
Listen to this week's Torah Study with Kohenet Batya Diamond.
NOTE: Rabbi Yael will be traveling over the holidays, so there will be no live Morning Meditation Sits or Torah Study for the rest of September. The next Torah Study will be on Oct. 2 and the next live Sit will be on Oct. 5, 2023.
Listen to a Meditation Sit and teaching from last year. We hope you will find it helpful as we begin 5784

Rabbi Yael's teachings and A Way In Jewish Mindfulness resources are free and open to all. Please donate.

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