Prayer as We Enter the New Year

As we step across the threshold into 5784,
May we hear the voices of creation calling:

            See the good and come into the New Year
            With tikvah,
            With the determination and patience
            To act with courageous love for the sake of all life.

Trees are offering their rooted strength
Waters their flowing presence,
Skies a vast perspective
And creatures of earth, sea and air
Their ancient wisdom.

Let us join in these songs of creation
And be creatures who step into the unknown
With a faithfulness to eretz chayim, the lands of life.

As we enter 5784, let us bow deeply to the Majesty of All
And then stand together, humble and strong,
Our lives aligned for healing and love.


Dear Friends,
Thank you for sharing the journey.
Thank you for your faith and encouragement. I am held and inspired by our shared commitments and devotion.
I look forward to what we will continue to discover together.
May our explorations, insights and discoveries be for the healing and well being of all life.
With so much gratitude and love,
Shana Tova,
Rabbi Yael

Rosh Hashanah: Listen to this week's Torah Study.
NOTE: Rabbi Yael will be traveling over the holidays, so there will be no live Morning Meditation Sits for the rest of September. The next live Sit will be on Oct. 5, 2023.

Rabbi Yael's teachings and A Way In Jewish Mindfulness resources are free and open to all. Please donate.

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