Lights for the Heart and Soul

Dear Friends,

In celebration of the 8 days of Chanukah, here are 8 verses, 8 calls and prayers. I hope one of them touches your heart and offers nourishment to your soul. May we continue to share our heartbreak and joys, strengthening and inspiring each other with love.


Oh Great Mystery, send forth your light and your truths.

They will guide me and lead me to your holy presence.        

Psalm 43:3

Let us plant seeds of light,

For the sake of tzedek, for heart felt awareness,

For joy.
Psalm 97:11


It is you, Divine Source, who lights my candle,

It is you, Infinite Presence who illuminates the dark. 
Psalm 18:29


Let us give thanks to the Infinite Presence,

Who makes the great lights,

Reminding us that chesed,

Steadfast, generous love is forever.
Psalm 136:7


The Mystery calls,

Make for me a holy place

That I might dwell within you,

That I might dwell among you.
Exodus 25:1


Bestow the light of your presence,

As we seek to serve the Source of All,

Bring forth expansive, transforming love.
Psalm 31:17


Come, let us walk together in the light of the One.
Isaiah 2:5


Bless us, Source of All,

All of us as one,

Bless us with the Light of your Divine Presence.

From the last paragraph in the Amida


May the Chanukah lights illuminate pathways of healing and peace.


Much Love,

Rabbi Yael


We sit together in the Chanukah light. Listen to the recording of today's Morning Meditation Sit.
 In the glow of the Chanukah lights we continue to explore Joseph’s journey and mysteries hidden and revealed. Listen to the recording of this week's Torah Study.

Weekly FocusAway In