At the Edge of the Unknown

We come into the final week of Adar Shani
Escorted by the Torah portion, Shemini,
And are called to be with mystery.

To take some time not knowing,
Some time not trying to make sense,
Or explain,
Or to seek reason,
But to sit for a while in the realm of the unknown
And listen.

It can feel mightily uncomfortable,
With fear arising,
And the mind scurrying to create stories
Grasping onto anything
That might placate or deflect the unease.

And the season asks,
         What might be discovered,
         What might grow and become,
         When mystery, uncertainty,
         Not knowing is given room to speak?

Let us find the strength, support and willingness
To say, “I don’t know” and let that be.
May all that is revealed
Be for healing, love and peace.

Rabbi Yael

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