Four Questions as We Enter this New Season

Dear Friends,

As we begin the month of Nisan and lift our eyes toward Pesach let us contemplate these four questions with gentleness and care:


1.    How do we go out from the narrow perspectives and constricted thoughts that so deeply divide us?


2.    How do we soften our tender, vulnerable hearts in a world of such violence, pain and fear?


3.    How do we cross over into a new way of being in which all people, all life, earth herself, are treated with dignity and sacred care?


4.    What will guide us through this wilderness?


As we know, there are no easy answers to these questions and even asking them can feel painful.


The Pesach story tells us:

         We are taken out of mitzrayim out of the narrow places, to be in sacred relationship with the Source of All, with the Infinite Divine Presence that is a force of liberation and transformation. (Exodus 6:7)


         We are taken out so we can be forces for liberation and transformation, we can be channels for healing and peace.


And here a fifth question arises:

         What can I possibly do in response to the deep challenges of these times?


The tradition responds: Tend the fires of devotion to align yourself for healing, love and liberation.


         Every time we approach each other and ourselves with curiosity and interest rather than with harsh judgment and dread we loosen the constriction that keeps us from each other.

            Every time we are able to act with compassion rather than anger and fear we stem the flow of aggression and pain. 

         Each time we pause to appreciate beauty, to wonder at mystery, to give thanks, a new pathway opens.

         And each time we look up, ask for help and remember we are not alone strength and guidance finds us.


The season is calling and our times are crying out.


May we be lifted by the calls of Pesach and be guided into an expanse we have not yet seen.

May we tend the fires of devotion and may these fires help transform and guide us, so together we emerge, forces for liberation and transformation,

channels for healing and love.


Hodesh Tov, Blessings to all,

Rabbi Yael

A Pesach Guide to Honor our Broken Hearts
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